SILK is a sci-fi/action/horror series created by Angel Alvarez & Nathanael Vass.
SILK follows the lives of those infected by the WYRM, an extra-dimensional parasite that inhabits its hosts’ bodies and bestows/curses them with powers that keep death at bay. SILK engages with philosophical themes like free will and body autonomy while maintaining a visceral real-world tone. With sparkling dialogue, complex characters, and a focus on the consequences of violence, SILK is an R-rated superhero show wrapped in a Black Mirror episode.
Produced as a STORYHIVE-winning web-pilot, SILK is packaged for sale as a 4-season (10 x 60min episode) television series for premium cable or streaming service. Contact for details.
Created by Angel Alvarez & Nathanael Vass
Directed and Written by Nathanael Vass
Produced by Trembling Void Studios & Pangman Moving Pictures
Production Budget (Pilot): $10,000 CAD